Book a Stall

Stall Holder Prize Draw.

All stallholders who have paid for their site fee by 5.00pm Friday 13th December 2024 will go into a prize draw based on their allocated site number.

One winner will be drawn on the day and will receive a full refund of their site fee. Register for your site now and pay by 13th December 2024 to be in the draw.

Stalls are expected to go rather quickly so we really do suggest to book and pay as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Sites are not confirmed or allocated until payment has been made.

We welcome all talented hand-crafters, local growers & specialty ‘foodies’ to apply for a stall!

Click through to the application, and see our general information and fees section below. If anything isn’t clear, let us know by using our contact page.

See you at the fair!

General Information

All applicants are subject to a selection process. Once your application is received we will endeavor to reply within one month or sooner. Selection depends on product selection, quality of goods, and how your stall will contribute to the overall experience of the event. We also have a maximum quota on the amount of each type of stall, eg, jewellery, etc. Tell us as much as you can in your application about why your stall would be a great addition to the overall market. All products must be made by the stall holder or family member. No imported goods allowed.

The date to save is Saturday 25th January 2025. If the event cannot be held we will discuss with you the level of refund or using the funds as a deposit for your stall for the following year.

Your booking is for items you have applied to sell. If you wish to share a stall that is fine but both sellers must also apply for approval. This is so we can protect the quality of the items sold at our fair, and therefore the overall experience for attendees, and for you the sellers.

Food stalls and Liquor sellers require appropriate consents from the local district council (Porirua City Council), and it is the responsibility of the stall holder to obtain this.

You will need to bring your own:
-marquee (for standard & double sites only, not trestle sites)
-trestle table (limited tables are available to hire)
-change float
-heavy weights to hold your gazebo down in the event of heavy wind.

A great stall adds to the experience, the little things you do to give your space a professional look DO matter! Its a great idea to research stall presentation and selling tips and general stallholder etiquette.


Different stall sizes are available:
-Standard site, 3x3m – $90
-Double site, 6x3m – $180 [6 metre frontage]
-Mini (trestle-size 1.8m wide) site @ $50 however we require all stallholders to be sufficiently protected from the sun (eg sun umbrella). Please note this does NOT include room for a gazebo. If you will be bringing a gazebo you must book a standard 3 x 3 site or larger

– Trestle tables can be hired from us for $15 per table.

– Power connection can be made available at an additional charge of $10.

We appreciate some food sellers serve from their vehicles. We are asking that you give details on the size of your vehicle in your application to help us determine where you can be accommodated and the fee to be charged.


EFTPOS is now available at Battle Hill Farm. The opening of Transmission Gully has meant that Battle Hill Farm now has good cellphone/internet coverage. Mana Lions has tested EFTPOS coverage in several places at the site of our annual fair. We will still, however, have a EFTPOS facility on the day supplying cash for those fair goers requiring it.

Licensing information for food and alcohol stall holders

Your responsibilities can vary depending on your activities and type of License held. Each individual stall holder must be satisfied they hold the appropriate licence/s. As Event Organiser, Mana Lions works with our local Council Environmental Health Officers and Alcohol Licencing Inspectors to ensure compliance.  The most important consideration for us is to make sure all food and drink sold at the event is healthy and safe to the public, and compliant with the law and local bylaws.

A. Food Stallholders

  • The Ministry for Primary Industries has information online, Food safety codes and standards | NZ Government ( Please read this carefully, especially if you are not already familiar with the requirements.
  • You may require registration to sell food. Any food stalls/food trucks that require a registration must display this at our event. Your valid licence number / issuing authority are requested in your application form to attend Eat Drink and Be Crafty. Any food stallholders exempt from registration must provide an exemption note from Porirua City Council as part of their ED&BC fair application form.
  • Mana Lions members will be checking food stalls on the day to ensure general compliance, and that fundraising community groups and occasional food sellers maintain hygienic food handling procedures.
  • Please ensure people are dressed in clean clothing, are changing gloves, washing hands, hot food is kept above 60°C and cold food is kept below 5°C. No ill people should prepare or serve food to customers.
  • Any product that is pre-packaged and sold at the event must be fully labelled. If the product is sold from a display unit and packed by the operator in front of the customer (i.e., no self-serve by the customer), the product does not need a written label.  However, there are still some information requirements that must be met.  For example, allergy or warning statements need to be displayed with the food or provided to the customer on request.
  • The contact at Porirua City Council for food selling enquiries is

B. Alcohol Stallholders

  • Alcohol stallholders must have an Off-Site Special Licence issued by Porirua City Council District Licencing Committee. The Off-Site Special Licence permits the sale of alcohol (for consumption off-site away from the event) in addition to free tasting at a specified stall at the event. This licence must be displayed.
  • There will be a requirement for a certificated manager to be at the stall at all times.
  • The application form and information about the Special Licence is found at: Apply for a Licence or Manager’s Certificate – Porirua City.
  • The cost of the Off-Site Special Licence is $115.60 (from 1 October 2024) incl GST. The Off-site Special Licence application requires consent from Mana Lions. The online Stallholder application form Stallholders application form for Eat Drink and Be Crafty Saturday 25th January 2025 contains a “request a consent letter” from Mana Lions, for you to include with your Special Licence application to Porirua City Council. Mana Lions will get this consent back to you within 10 days of your submission.
  • Applications for Special Licences must be lodged before Monday 18th November 2024, direct to or to


Frequently Asked Questions

Q – Who is running this event and what are the proceeds for?

A – The Lions Club of Mana is running the event and has done for the last 13 years. The fundraising this year from the event is for Wellington Free Ambulance.

Q – Is Mana Lions GST registered?

A – No.

Q – Can I bring my Food Truck or Food Trailer?

A – Absolutely. We need your truck/trailer measurements in your application so we can ensure the site allocated is big enough for you.

Q – What about power?

A – There is a small number of sites that will have 240v power distributed from a central point on the site. This costs $10 additional.

You may bring your own generator. Please note these must be safe, quiet and small enough to fit safely on your designated site. Any generator causing a disturbance or deemed unsuitable will be asked by Mana Lions Officials to be switched off. You must have a fire extinguisher readily accessible.

Food trucks/trailers are expected to have their own generator.

Any cables you bring must be suitable for outdoor use. Cables and any appliances must be tested and tagged.

Q – When will I know my site number and location?

A – We will advise you of your site number once we have all registrations in and measurements, etc. We expect this will be close to the day of the fair given the last-minute changes with stallholders that can occur. If this generates any issues for you, please email us through the contact page on the website or at

Q – What will be on the site when I get there?

A – The site will be marked out for you. Other than that, it will be blank. It is up to you, the stallholder, to bring your gazebo, signage, equipment and stock, etc.

If you have requested trestle tables at $15 ea (max 2), these will be supplied to your site by Mana Lions.

Q – Is there cell phone coverage?

A – Yes there is coverage in most parts of the site. Mana Lions have checked their own mobile EFTPOS terminal and it has shown as connected across the site.

Q – Will there be first aid or medical help on-site?

A – Yes, Wellington Free Ambulance will be on-site.

Q – What time can I set up from?

A – The site will open at 7am for stallholders, and open to the public at 10am.

Q – What time is packdown?

A – The fair closes to the public at 4pm. Packdown is scheduled 4-5pm.